3 Key Skills You Need to Get Your Business Ahead in a Post-Coronavirus World

This year is experiencing a major economic downturn as the COVID-19 outbreak has put the world in disarray – from temporary lockdowns to the rise of remote work. Businesses from different industries are struggling to keep the lights on, which is why start-ups and corporations alike are looking for innovative solutions that will help them […]

Boost Your Image: 3 Ways Social Media Can Enhance Your Brand Building Strategy

Social media was once an afterthought for businesses, but in this digitally-oriented landscape, it has become a crucial aspect in any sector’s marketing funnel. Considering how there are 3.8 billion active users on various social media channels, 80 percent of the consumers rely on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more to evaluate […]

Event-Planning Beyond Events: 3 Skills Professionals Can Take Note Of

Regardless of your profession, what your company does, or what industry you work in, it’s essential to ensure that you have all the necessary skills. From time management to communication, you need various job skills and soft skills that can help you succeed. In recent years, event planning skills have become a must-have.  Why it […]

How to Foster Collaboration and a Positive Work Environment – Our Guide

When it comes to your business and encouraging a positive work environment, online courses and plenary talks are great resources that you can turn to. However, these can be made more effective if coupled with collaborative and employee-empowered practices. Having a collaborative nature in your workplace is good, especially when you are either just starting […]

A Guide to Improving Body Language in Corporate Settings

Many people make the mistake of believing that communication exists solely as verbal messages when, in reality, body language makes up about 50 percent of it. Even the most minute details about our physical presence can inform an audience about how to perceive us.  As such, body language is a powerful tool in communication if […]

4 Underrated Tips to Improve Your Job Search Chances – Our Guide

A job search can be tedious and draining, especially with the competitive market we have in the world today. Remote work, for example, is in higher demand than it has ever been, and as such, you cannot afford to make mistakes during your application. There are many articles out there about how to make your […]

4 Reasons Why Your Workplace Needs an Online Wellness Program

One of the challenges that small businesses face is attracting and retaining good talent. After all, your employees are the ones who truly keep your company running. One way to go about this problem is by providing extra benefits, such as an employee wellness program.  Employee wellness programs actually serve both you and your employees. […]

Ways to Promote Strong Work Ethics in the Workplace – Our Guide

The secret to a healthy work environment and quality output is work ethic. By developing this principle in your colleagues and employees, you pave the way for greater productivity and more efficient communication in the office—two requirements essential to success. As a business owner or manager, it can be easy for you to come up […]

Versatile Learning Platforms: 3 Benefits of Online Courses

With the world in fear of contracting the deadly COVID-19 virus, many businesses and institutions have resorted to using the digital space to perform various tasks and activities. Although online learners and educators have been using the format of online courses for the past few years, only now has its benefits and advantages in contrast […]

3 Ways to Enhance Your Digital Marketing Skills in 2020

Online research is now an indispensable part of shopping for services or products, which is why businesses need to adopt an effective digital marketing strategy to tap into the demands of modern-day consumers.  Digital marketing also makes all the difference in driving the right traffic to your website, especially in a saturated online marketplace wherein […]

How Leaders Can Survive 2020 and the Years to Come

The year 2020 has given companies and leaders a complex challenge—the global coronavirus pandemic. It has affected millions of companies all over the world, and to rise above a crisis, a leader must take the reins to push forward the company despite the unexpected and new challenges. Here are some of the things a leader […]

How to Delegate Effectively: Top Tips to Become a Better Leader

As the head of the team, you feel the weight of your responsibilities more than your team members do. This feeling can sometimes lead you to do everything on your own instead of trusting other members of the team to help you. However, it is not a healthy mindset to have, especially for team managers. […]

An Office Etiquette Guide for Managers

The standards of office etiquette have changed. All over the world, companies are evolving the culture of professionalism as they adopt new technologies and inventive ways to be productive. Technology has changed the way we interact, and can intermingle the casual with the professional—and rather uncomfortably at that. With the new normal, these lines blur […]

How Can You Customize Your Company’s Balanced Scorecard?

A balanced scorecard is a strategic management tool that helps an organization communicate its goals and align projects across departments. A distinctive feature of the balanced scorecard is that it looks at your organization’s performance using various perspectives.  These are the lenses that put your overall strategy in different contexts. Usually, people use four perspectives […]

Why Are Business Writing Skills Important Today?

Business writing is one of the foundations of career development. Without proper business writing skills, you wouldn’t be able to communicate efficiently in the corporate world, internally and externally. For that reason, developing and improving your business writing skills is a must if you dream of becoming the most effective at work. While it’s true […]

3 Skills You Need to Offer When Looking for HR Positions

When you are looking for an HR job, having the necessary skills and knowledge that covers the job description requirements is essential for getting hired. However, there are other skills not on the job description that the human resource departments might be keeping an eye out for. Often, having those skills in your resume means […]

3 Important Skills Every Professional HR Practitioner Needs

Being a human resources practitioner is no easy task. With so many daily responsibilities and decisions resting on your shoulders, being an HR practitioner requires a specific skill set. Due to the changing nature of work, however, HR practices today have changed quite significantly. Not Now, those in this department need new skills to perform […]

The Importance of Critical Thinking in the Workplace

Are you looking to land the perfect job? Or are you an employee who wants to climb up the career ladder? One way to effectively reach your work goals is to develop critical thinking. Critical thinking is a desirable trait in any employee, and here’s why:  The Importance of Critical Thinking Critical thinking is the […]

5 Benefits of Developing Marketing Skills for Non-Marketers

Marketing plays a major role in the success of every business. This process involves building and maintaining the reputation of your brand, engaging your target audience, establishing a positive and long-lasting relationship with your clients, and communicating effectively across different platforms.  While utilizing marketing skills is essential in boosting your business, it is also important […]

4 Skills Every Call Center Should Train Their Employees In

Call center roles involve a lot more than simply lifting a handset and taking a call—there is a lot more going on behind the scenes than one would realize. It’s an incredibly demanding job that has the tendency to shift towards a high-stress environment, which is why proper training is a basic necessity for all […]

5 Valuable Reasons to Invest in Soft Skills for Your Employees

There are a handful of things that every business must invest in. For the most part, these usually include the latest technology, infrastructure, tools, and equipment. However, a more vital investment for your business is the workforce, or your people. Why? Your workforce is the bloodline of your business. Without them, your company won’t operate, […]