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On Privacy and Consent: Making Your Business GDPR-Compliant

Have you noticed the rise in online discussions on data privacy lately? Netizens worldwide have expressed their discontent with WhatsApp’s privacy policy because of how much personal data the app has access to. 

And the collective outcry of anger and frustration is justified—when your data falls into the wrong hands, who knows what could happen? Especially since this has already happened before, people are becoming more and more hesitant in sharing their personal information over the Internet.

In 2019, Facebook admitted that over 400 million of their users’ personal information had been leaked. This sparked public outrage and made others second think just how protected their private information is.

What Is GDPR?

Preventing accidents or data breaches like this is probably one of the reasons why the European Parliament approved the General Data Protection Regulation (GPDR) in 2016.

The General Data Protection Regulation is one of the toughest and strictest security laws in the world. Through this reform, the European Union strives to protect its citizens’ data and privacy by imposing customer data guidelines for businesses. This gives the citizens more control over their data and further assures that it is securely protected.

The user rights under the GDPR are as follows:

  • The Right to Information
  • The Right of Access
  • The Right to Rectification
  • The Right to Erasure
  • The Right to Restriction of Processing
  • The Right to Data Portability
  • The Right to Object
  • The Right to Avoid Automated Decision-Making

These rights offer more power to the data subject and ensure that their information will not be manipulated, used, or accessed without their consent.

To significantly decrease the possibility of information getting stolen or lost, the GDPR obliges those who collect personal data to protect it from misuse and exploitation. Companies that fail to do so will face severe and expensive penalties.

Should I Care About GDPR?

If your business operates outside the European Union and does not offer goods and services to its citizens, you don’t have to worry about GDPR.

GDPR only applies to those organizations operating within the EU and those outside the EU but are offering their goods and services to the European Union’s citizens. Large corporations that operate globally are also affected by this particular regulation.

How Do I Make My Business GDPR-Compliant?

If the regulations of the GDPR apply to your business, you must make updates to your terms and conditions and privacy policies so that they are compliant with the GDPR guidelines. To ensure your business’s GDPR compliance, follow these steps:

Map Your Data

You have to understand how your data moves in your organization to identify areas that could cause problems early on. 

Update Your Privacy Policy

Carefully read your privacy policy and change what is needed. Your policy must clearly explain to the individual why you have to collect their information and how you will use it before they can agree to it.

To comply with the GDPR, you must have proof of consent for the data you have collected.

Train Your Staff

In this case, ignorance will cause you to lose your business. Your employees must know how to handle data correctly to avoid any data breaches. Offer them training and help them learn through workplace seminars or introducing them to online courses, like Skill Builder Pro’s “GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan” and “GDRP Readiness: Getting the Message Out” online courses.


Data privacy plays a big part in the success of your organization. You must ensure that you comply with the General Data Protection Regulation guidelines to avoid risking your customer’s trust and tarnishing your company’s reputation. Educate yourself and your employees about GDPR to guarantee that you are taking every security measure to protect your users’ data.

Are you looking for more information and help on making your business GDPR-Compliant? Skill Builder Pro is here to help you out! Through our “GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan” and the “GDRP Readiness: Getting the Message Out” online course, you can ensure you and your company are fully compliant. Visit our website to learn more about our courses!

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