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Tips for Developing an Effective Code of Conduct at Work – Our Guide

Every workplace needs to have a code of conduct to serve as a guide that you and your employees should comply with regularly to ensure an ideal working environment. It comes in the form of policies that include how the business operates, what your beliefs are as an organization, and how you can meet your goals productively.

Having a set of rules to follow can steer the company into the right path, knowing that everyone aims to achieve the business’ expectations while displaying the proper values necessary. A code of conduct can help avoid misbehavior and conflicts from occurring within the office, maintain discipline, and encourage everyone to act on their best behavior.

If you’re thinking of developing your company’s code of conduct and don’t know where to start, then keep reading below for some useful tips on creating an effective set of work rules.  

Showcase the Right Values

Companies need to form a set of values they can embody and learn to apply all over their work. Just like how you need to have goals and aim for a clear direction, the values you choose to believe in will reflect your company and employees when representing your business. 

One way of coming up with ideal business principles is by considering a workplace wellness program online course to help you and your staff decide on the values together as a team. Asking for your employees’ opinions regarding what principles you want to achieve can benefit everyone in the long run.  

Establish the Need to Meet Expectations

A valid code of conduct for your workplace includes determining the right ways employees should act and behave during office hours. Indicating the company’s expectations can encourage people to uphold values and treat coworkers with respect. 

Presenting policies can help avoid discrimination, bullying, and abuse in the office too.

Learn to Comply With the Specific Rules

Your code of conduct should have particular rules applicable to all the employees—even the managers and administrators. If there are any volunteers and interns, they should be well aware of the code of conduct and comply with it to still maintain a safe space. For companies with contractual employees, it would be best that they adhere to the same rules.

Consider Other Relevant Workplace Policies

Aside from the code of conduct, businesses also have other guidelines and procedures that people need to remember to avoid conflict as much as possible. After all, all policies and rules are made entirely for the organization and employees’ best interest.

One way to solve disagreements in the office is by attending a workplace conflict resolution online course to help leaders deal with differences without picking sides. Avoiding the compulsion to choose a favorite can prevent employees from turning against their managers.

Create a Safe Space for Opinions 

During some instances where employees tend to violate the company’s code of conduct, there should be proper steps to follow regarding the filing of a complaint. Taking the right approach can prevent chaos from erupting in the office while allowing everyone to maintain their workflow without disturbances.


Following a code of conduct at work can help you secure the peace and order in the office and ensure your employees can focus on their responsibilities. When it comes to developing this company guide, keep the tips above in mind, and you’re sure to come up with a significant set of guidelines for the benefit of everyone concerned.

Are you looking for a code of conduct online course to help guide you in creating the best code of conduct policy for your business? Skill Builder Pro is an online platform that offers over 300 courses catering to job skills, soft skills, and personal development training solutions. Check out our website and sign up for a class today!

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