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5 Body Language Behaviors to Avoid During Your Interview

Presenting yourself well during your interview will significantly increase your chances of getting the job. Moreover, introducing yourself confidently and choosing the right words to say also help you make a good first impression on your interviewer. 

You must keep in mind, however, that communication isn’t made up of only spoken words. In reality, nonverbal cues—or your body language and gestures—account for a large percentage of communication. They can also send a strong message that either supports or contradicts what you say. 

To help you avoid sabotaging your interview and enable you to answer questions effectively, here are five things you must not do: 

1. DON’T: Gesture Wildly 

It’s natural to talk with your hands, especially when you want to get a point across. In some cases, it can convey your enthusiasm. However, there are also instances where it can work against you. 

Gesturing excessively may give your interviewer the impression that you are out of control or even chaotic. Considering this, it’s best to keep your hand gestures within the outlines of your body. Furthermore, they should match the level of your interviewer.  

2. DON’T: Nod Your Head All the Time 

You may think that nodding is harmless, especially because it is used to show that you agree to what is being said. However, like the first item, nodding excessively does not put you in the best light. You certainly would not want to look like a bobblehead figurine in front of your interviewer!

Remember that a few nods with a smile of agreement will work just fine. Additionally, instead of nodding, focus on establishing good eye contact and use affirmations such as, “That makes sense,” or “Yes, I understand.”   

3. DON’T: Fidget

It’s alright to feel the nerves when you’re in the middle of an interview, but you must not let it be evident in the way you move restlessly. Avoid fidgeting, rubbing your hands, or touching your face. 

Doing so is a lot like openly telling your interviewer that you’re anxious and do not have the confidence to go through the interview. 

4. DON’T: Be Too Stiff

While a lot of guides advise you to sit straight, pay closer attention to your posture. Appearing too stiff may give your interviewers the impression that you’re firm and unyielding. 

You do not want to slouch either. The best way to carry yourself through the dialogue is to allow yourself to relax a little bit while keeping your shoulders back and your head held high. 

5. DON’T: Fold Your Hands

This hand gesture may signify politeness, but it can also come across as passiveness and even insecurity during interviews. 

Always remember that interviewers are interested in candidates that look appealing and strong in character. To make a good impression, you can either put one hand on top of the other or simply rest them on your lap or the table. This enables you to look more confident and more in control. 


During your interviews, it’s not enough for you to answer wisely and choose the right words. You must also be mindful of the body language and gestures you use to convey your message. Letting your nervous habits get the best of you can also distract your interviewer. On the contrary, avoiding the unpleasant behaviors listed above will help you leave a remarkable first impression—which can then open the doors for better career opportunities! 

If you need a helpful body language online course to help you prepare for your job interview, we’ve got the right resources for you! Skill Builder Pro is a training platform providing over 300 online courses covering job skills, soft skills, and personal development. Join now to start taking your career to the next level! 

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