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5 Essential Leadership Elements That Everyone Needs

When it comes to an organization’s success, it all boils down to effective leadership skills. 

Leadership determines practically everything about how well a company or organization performs, and it is largely responsible for how things are done within it. The hierarchical structure of a company is determined by its needs, and there is no way that it can survive without a head to follow—which is where the leader steps in. 

In our leadership online course, the initial perspective taught with the craft is to remember that leaders need followers to be called a true “leader.” When there are no followers, there are no leaders—and the best way for anyone looking to lead is to learn how to follow. Understanding followers’ needs are what create better leaders, as there is a sense of empathy and empowerment in play.

Building a following boils down to a few essential elements, which will be discussed here:

Visibility is Key

Think about your childhood storybooks and fantasy works. Kings who ruled the land were often portrayed sitting on a throne overseeing everything. 

Today’s world no longer has these elements, as a good leader will always be visible to his followers, serving the majority’s needs through carefully laid out plans. Being on-the-ground and active with solving issues with followers is an important part of a leader’s skills, so be visible and aware of your surroundings at all times.

Taking the Initiative Separates Good from Bad Leaders

When things aren’t going so well, a good leader will grab the bull by the horns and initiate the changes that need to be done for success. High-stress events will test the decisiveness and responsive nature of a person—and if they can perform well under pressure, they are undoubtedly fit for the job. 

Great leaders are found on the front lines, ready to create steps for the followers to fill in. 

Issues and Concerns are Taken Into Consideration

By nudging your followers to raise issues and concerns when needed, this creates a two-way relationship that can assist in problem-solving. There is no denying that you will not have all the answers to the problems, but someone following you may have great ones. By taking these into consideration as part of the master plan, there will be a greater selection of solutions to choose from. 

Don’t Alienate Team Members

Remember that a team is only as strong as its weakest link. By alienating those who do not live up to the standards, you are simply setting up for disaster. 

Educating, assisting, or even temporarily carrying the person is an integral part of a team’s success. Ensuring that no man gets left behind is a good way to boost morale in even the slowest team members. When you acknowledge that every team member has their own processes and skillsets, you can craft more diverse battleplans. 

Be a Role Model

You can’t be a good leader if there are no leadership qualities to follow. If you say a meeting is at 11 A.M. sharp and you arrive at 12 A.M. to a room filled with your employees, this says a lot about your qualities, both as a leader and as a person! 

As they say, time is money, and by leaving your followers sitting and waiting for you to perform, they lose faith in you as their beacon. Great leadership is leading by example, wherein people have someone they can look up to and follow as a mentor figure. 


Leadership is a skill that one can be born with, but it can also be learned through perseverance and grit. The most important thing to note about being a leader is that you must also know how to be a follower—and the better you are at following, the better you will be as a leader! Taking an online leadership course is one of the best ways to get a glimpse of how to be better at what you do and how to be a more effective point of reference. 

For the best leadership online courses, make your next move with Skill Builder Pro. With an amazing collection of over 300 online lessons and learning tools for job skills, soft skills, and personal development, you will definitely find a course that is beneficial to your career. Get in touch with us today to learn more!

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