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7 Traits of a Successful Events Planner

Before you consider a career in events management, there are a few things you need to know. Successful event planners hone and develop their skills over many years to learn to pull off large-scale and elaborate affairs. While many of these competencies can be acquired through training and taking online courses in conference and event management, there are character traits that can increase your chances of success.

If you want to know if you have a future in events management, check to see if you have one or more of the following innate characteristics of successful events planners:


  • You are resourceful


Events management is all about coordinating various elements. Resourceful people know how to create solutions even with limited resources. If you are the kind of person who learns quickly and thinks critically, your resourcefulness will contribute to your credibility as an event planner.


  • You are detail-oriented


Planners coordinate with various individuals and suppliers when mounting an event. The bigger the affair, the more people they will need to speak to. You need to have a good memory or at least an excellent system for keeping track of all the tiny parts of the bigger event machine. Events can be like a house of cards, if you miss one detail, the entire thing could end up in failure.


  • You say what you mean

Events planners typically work for a client, and they need to be able to manage the client’s expectations. You need to have a high level of integrity to make commitments and deliver; otherwise, you also need to tell your stakeholders that certain things aren’t possible. When things go awry, planners also need to demonstrate accountability and accept the responsibility of delivering bad news.


  • You adapt to change quickly


In the world of events, things happen very quickly, and circumstances can change at any moment. You need to think on your feet and come up with creative solutions in stride if you want to keep up with change and keep the show going. If you are the type of person who hates change, you probably won’t enjoy the continuous flux in the world of events. 


  • They manage their time well


Events planners work on a schedule, and sometimes a very tight one at that. A procrastinator won’t make for a good planner, as the two are on the opposite ends of the productivity spectrum. Planners think ahead, and they provide enough time for each task. You will need to be able to consistently manage your schedule and get things done before a deadline.


  • They are passionate about making people happy


Clients typically hire planners, and they are willing to pay a premium to ensure a successful event. When you work in events, you need to have a desire to please your customers and to meet their demands, no matter how tight the schedule is. 


  • They can lead people from different backgrounds


Any event will be the result of a coordinated effort among several people. Like an orchestra, the events planner is a maestro, who needs to earn the trust and respect of people they are working with. If you are the type of person who can engage and lead people, you can get them to work together to get the job done. 

If you find that most of these characteristics ring true for you, then perhaps a career in the events industry is waiting for you. However, if many of them don’t apply to you, it shouldn’t deter you from trying. You can learn many skills through leadership training or online management courses. A lot of these traits are also developed over time and with practice. Keep in mind that, more than any characteristics mentioned here, any person’s most valuable asset in any career path is their willingness to learn. 

Do you want to know more about conference and event management? Browse our online courses to see how you can upskill and improve your competencies from the comfort of your home. Visit our website today for more information!

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