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4 Underrated Tips to Improve Your Job Search Chances – Our Guide

A job search can be tedious and draining, especially with the competitive market we have in the world today. Remote work, for example, is in higher demand than it has ever been, and as such, you cannot afford to make mistakes during your application.

There are many articles out there about how to make your résumé more attractive, how to ace the interview, and so on. Many of these tell you to tailor your application to each company based on the job description. This is easy enough to do with a cover letter, but what else can you do to land that job?

Here are some uncommon tips for more effective job applications:

1. Make yourself a perfect puzzle fit for what they’re looking for

The days of letting a Human Resources person scour through dozens and dozens of applications are over. Your application will most likely be screened through applicant tracking systems before it is ever presented before a human person. 

One of the good ways to circumvent this is to use the very words written in the job description in your application. This can help you bypass automated systems and can expedite your screening process. 

If your application passes through an HR person, it can help them identify you as a good fit for the position you’re hoping for.

2. Don’t limit yourself to open positions

Send out your résumé to every company you know that hires the exact position you’re hoping to fill. Whether there are open positions or not, it is quite possible to impress a company with your confidence. Even if you don’t end up with the job because the position is unavailable, the company can keep you on file for future reference.

It also helps to show up in person at the various places of work in your area. While online job searches are the most popular form, an employer is more likely to hire someone with the initiative to show up.

3. Reveal your personality 

There are many guides out there that give a list of common questions and easy answers that can pop up in an interview. What these articles fail to take into account is that an employer who’s screening dozens (or even hundreds) of applicants is likely to have heard all the same answers again and again.

Make sure to tailor and vary your responses to your own demeanor and personality. That added sense of authenticity helps you stand out from all the interviewees who say that their biggest flaws are that they are too detail-oriented. 

At the end of the day, a prospective employer is looking for more than a position to be filled; they are looking for a human to fill it.

5. Never neglect LinkedIn

Over 90% of recruiters find new employees over LinkedIn. Attempting an online job search without a LinkedIn account is like trying to scuba dive without a tank. Take care of your profile and keep it updated. If you’re looking for a job, make sure to tailor it to the position you want to fill.

6. Don’t burn bridges.

Even if, after the end of a tedious and tiring process, you weren’t accepted, say thank you to the person who gave you their time—not just verbally, but in writing. Make sure to personalize the thank you to everyone who considered you. Never leave a rejection email unattended, as it can give the impression of burning bridges.

Since these people are likely in the same industry as yours, keeping good connections helps to keep you on the path to success.


Whatever industry you might work in and what your skillset is, handcrafting and adjusting your application can help you land your dream job. Adjust yourself to what a prospective employer is looking for, then wow them by being yourself. Finally, make it a point to maintain positive relationships with everyone in your field.

For more information on improving your résumé and online job search, we at Skill Builder Pro have the resources you need to get help in this competitive job market. Sign up now!

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