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4 Reasons Why Your Workplace Needs an Online Wellness Program

One of the challenges that small businesses face is attracting and retaining good talent. After all, your employees are the ones who truly keep your company running. One way to go about this problem is by providing extra benefits, such as an employee wellness program. 

Employee wellness programs actually serve both you and your employees. A well-implemented wellness program will help keep your employees in great health. In the long run, this gives you happy and healthy workers who are better able to handle their tasks with efficiency. 

While not everybody has the real estate, not to mention the resources to offer a fully outfitted onsite gym, advancements in communication technology can make it possible, and even better for you. Enter workplace wellness program online courses.

Here are four good reasons why your employees will benefit from an online fitness course. 


  • Flexible Schedules


Sticking to exercise routines is already a challenging feat. Finding the time to go to a physical gym when you could be catching up on work or going home is another. Providing your employees with an online exercise course can help them tailor their wellness routines to their own convenience. You can even encourage your workers to fit some exercise within their breaks to ensure that they’re getting some workout even while in your office. Your employees can even organize online workout schedules, which would be beneficial for those who are working remotely. 


  • Affordability


Offering an onsite gym is not just about filling a room with exercise equipment and calling it a day. It also means daily maintenance, paying for occasional repairs, and even paying for personal instructors. A well made online course for workplace wellness does away with all of that and instead allows your employees to do exercise with whatever they have. 


  • Privacy


While some people prefer the presence of instructors for accountability, some people prefer to work at their own pace, away from other people. You’ll never have to worry about waiting in line for the treadmill, or feeling exposed and conscious while working out with a more experienced coworker. Giving your employees the option to do exercise in the privacy of their own homes will allow them to not worry about feelings of embarrassment. 


  • Good Value


There are no two ways about it: an online course is cheaper than having a personal trainer that you need to pay for by the hour. Using an online course allows your employees to exercise as often as they want for as long as they can without waiting for the availability of a personal trainer. And because the course instructor is also an expert, there is no decrease in the quality of the knowledge or content. While some might argue that the fixed nature of the course makes it inflexible, it will still be up to the individual to choose which routines work best for them. 


Instead of a physical on-site gym, an online workout course can be a great, if not better alternative. Before long, your workplace will be filled with healthier and happier employees. You can even make it competitive by offering a reward to whoever shows the most improvement because of the exercise. 

Skill Builder Pro is the leader in facilitating workplace wellness program online courses for businesses and individuals alike. Our library features everything from crisis management online classes to courses in customer service. Sign up now!


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