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The Importance of Being Assertive Communication

Being assertive is difficult for a number of people. Some people think it has roots in being disrespectful, or others are just too shy to assert themselves properly. While this may be a trait that people have trouble developing, it is not impossible. Being assertive is actually one of the core communication skills that are useful to have because it allows you to effectively express yourself while standing up for what you believe in. It also helps you stand up for those who are oppressed or have trouble doing so themselves. 

When you are able to effectively communicate yourself and express your viewpoints, you gain a sense of self-esteem and confidence, as well as earning respect from others. For those who have a hard time saying no, this can help ease stress by allowing yourself to prevent taking on too many responsibilities at once. If you plan to learn more about how to assert yourself in certain situations, here is why being assertive is important in your daily dealings:

It is Effective and Diplomatic

Being assertive is based on mutual respect, that you understand the views of others while injecting your own views to prove your point. It shows people that they cannot push you around and that if you are to come to a resolution, you will both need to find something that works. For example, when you really have two conflicting points of view on a topic, perhaps it is best to assert your beliefs, then agree to disagree if no resolution is in sight. 

This can make you look professional in nature, as it helps you deliver your message properly and directly, with the utmost respect for the other party. Be aware of being too aggressive or too passive, because people can often get lost when it comes to the delivery of your point. 

Asserting Yourself Is Beneficial

When you know how to put your foot down and know when people start to abuse the kindness you have given them, they will be aware that they cannot take advantage of you. It can also help you realize when you are using your assertiveness to take advantage of others who cannot defend themselves or speak up. 

Communication this way allows you to create great relationships with those around you, as they are matured and healthy because of the nature of the connection. Being assertive also promotes having a powerful aura, which people feel when they are around you. It gives those under you a sense of morale, as well as a healthy boundary wherein they know your limits and that being taken advantage of is not an option. 

Remember That Becoming More Assertive Does Not Come Overnight

If you have spent years just being passive and chalking off your own thoughts to lesser than others’, this change will not happen in the next few days or even in the coming months. Behaviors are often reinforced throughout the years, so if you never really spoke up as a child in school, or taken leadership roles or defended yourself from bullies, it may be difficult to develop initially. The whole concept of learning new communication techniques is through practicing it like a skill every day to condition your brain into thinking that it is normal. 


Learning a new communication skill or any life skill is quite difficult to do on your own. Fortunately, the services of people who specialize in life coaching and skill-building and development are readily available to help you with sustained learning. 

We offer a wide variety of online courses for skill development and management techniques. Sign up for our courses with us at Skill Builder Pro now!



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