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5 Comparisons of a Boss and a Leader – Which One Are You?

The terms “boss” and “leader” are often used interchangeably today. The truth, however, is that they’re worlds apart. Although every team and company has a boss, not many of them have leaders. Considering this, the business world needs more leaders whom people can look up to or someone who will help them realize their potential and be an achiever. 

If you want to know whether you’re a boss or a leader but can’t tell the difference between the two, we’ve listed down their main points of comparison for you: 

1. Bosses focus on themselves; leaders focus on the team

Sadly, bosses are oblivious to the fact that people are not minions. While putting themselves first, they merely give commands to others. Leaders, on the contrary, strive to understand that people who work with them are individuals with feelings, skills, traits, and personalities that are unique to them. They enjoy working with their team and are always thinking of ways to inspire them.  

2. Bosses control the team; leaders coach them 

In most circumstances, bosses micromanage because they feel that they need to be in every stage and process. Leaders provide direction and support to the team along the way, but they let them do what they do best and get the work done on their own. 

3. Bosses want to do it all on their own; leaders delegate

Along with micromanagement, bosses want to do most (if not all) tasks by themselves because they may think that nobody can do it as well as they can. Leaders, on the other hand, know and appreciate how each team member contributes to the team, which is why they strive to practice proper delegation. To ensure output quality, they establish clear expectations from the beginning and provide everything that the members need to accomplish what is expected of them. 

If this is something that you are struggling with, taking online delegation courses can help! 

4. Bosses put the blame on others; leaders accept responsibility

Although both bosses and leaders fail, bosses are quick to point fingers at others when a project fails, or a goal is not achieved, all to protect their ego. This often makes them feared figures within a corporation. Leaders know how to take personal responsibility for their mistakes or shortcomings. They admit where they failed or what they did wrong and take these as learning experiences to make better decisions in the future. 

5. Bosses instill fear; leaders motivate

Bosses commonly drive the people to deliver out of fear. They make their team members dread deadlines and constantly worry about their job stability. Leaders, in contrast, find ways to motivate the team to perform at their best. Some good methods leaders use are giving constructive feedback, celebrating small and big wins, and having casual one-on-one sessions with them. Ultimately, they find ways to make the people believe their vision and the big picture they’re working for.  


If you think you might be more of a boss than a leader, it’s never too late to improve your leadership style for the benefit of your team! While this will be a challenging transformation and will require intentionality from you, it will be rewarding not only for you but also for the people who work with you.  

We can help you be the best leader you can be through our online course, such as our social responsibility in business. Subscribe to our online course now!

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