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Workplace Bullying: What It Is & How You Can Solve It

Many modern workplaces today have become a melting pot for a variety of issues that stem from old and new conflicts. 

From workplace politics to shifts in conservatism, offices have become increasingly complex in terms of managing the people that operate within it. Amidst all the different issues that concern modern office spaces, bullying in the workplace is one issue that has become much more pressing than ever.

Bullying: a modern office crisis

While many expect the problem to be one that should only be found in playgrounds and schools, office bullies are actually a real problem that should get the attention of their managers.

As opposed to other types of issues, this particular problem has become even more challenging in recent years because of how distinctly difficult it is to identify. It is actually difficult to the point that it can be quite ambiguous in nature. Given the characteristic of the act, many workers and employees find themselves quite conflicted as to whether or not they’re being bullied and unknowingly avoid reporting it as they should. 

If you’ve been trying to study your current workplace and suspect that such a problem is brewing, here’s everything you need to know about the modern organizational crisis:

A basic overview

Bullying can be best defined as an act wherein a person intentionally makes someone else or a group of people feel offended, intimidated, or threatened through various acts. This very act is also carried out to lower the self-esteem or a victim and leave them susceptible to more attacks in the future. 

The technical definition of bullying may be quite broad, but there are a few key behaviors that you can use to spot this situation right away: 

  • Purposeful exclusion or intended ignoring
  • Verbal insults and undue threats to one’s job security
  • Spreading rumors or gossiping
  • Unwelcomed sexual advances that may carry on to a threat to physical well-being
  • Intentional denying of promotional opportunities or much-needed training sessions

What are the effects of workplace bullying?

Generally, it can lead to various detrimental effects on the performance of the organization itself. The most prominent effect is that it can cause a surge in staff turnovers that immediately lead to a decrease in productivity and increased training costs, all while boosting the stress levels and hostility of employees. Taking the widespread impacts of this particular issue, it is especially important for managers and business owners to take the necessary steps to prevent it from happening.

What you can do to relieve this problem

One of the first ways to solve any problem that involves workplace bullying is to hold an open suggestion box where your employees can reach out to HR representatives or your office. After this, the next recommended course of action is to directly confront an accused employee in the most civil way possible and bring up the consequences of their continued actions. 

Aside from homegrown solutions, another great way to overcome workplace bullying is to take up a few classes that will help you improve your organizational management soft skills. With the help of a detailed course—such as our positive work environment online class—you’ll be able to fully equip yourself with the necessary skills to remedy the problem at hand. 


Workplace bullying is a problem that should never be overlooked because of all the implications that it brings into the office over time. By taking the necessary steps to remedy this problem, you can save your workplace from any further repercussions by making sure that you’re equipped to prevent any underlying issues from boiling over!

Skill Builder Pro is a soft skills training platform that has over 300 online courses. If you are looking for bullying in the workplace online course, get in touch with us today to see how we can help! 

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