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4 Ways You Can Become a Better Communicator – Our Guide

The ability to effectively communicate with others is a skill that can greatly improve many aspects of your life. From your personal relationships at home to professional connections in the workplace, being a skilled communicator can give you the power to create healthier environments, find new opportunities for growth, and ultimately, give yourself a better shot at achieving whatever goals you have.

For some fortunate people, this ability comes naturally. For others, it takes a little more practice and training to get there. Whether you find yourself in the first group or the second one, however, improving this skill is important.

With that being said, how does one become a better communicator? It’s arguably a skill that involves many different subskills, and we’ll tackle some of the most essential ones so that you can start becoming a better communicator today.

1. Work on your body language

Body language and other non-verbal cues are a huge part of any interaction. Even if you’re speaking someone over the telephone or the Internet, these factors can come through and be felt by the person you’re speaking to. Pay attention to your gestures, body posture, and the position of your eyes. You want to come across as being receptive and open to feedback, and these are very easily conveyed by the things that you don’t actually say.

2. Learn how to manage conflict

Any interaction with another person has the potential for conflict. Whether aggressive in nature or not, it’s only natural that some people will not agree with your point of view. As such, it’s important that you prepare for these situations so that you can overcome them in a productive manner. Start by actively listening to the other person and acknowledging your differences. This builds respect that paves the way for a resolution that suits everyone involved.

3. Be familiar with etiquette guidelines

Communicating with people of a different culture or background can sometimes be tricky. Sometimes, simply being in a different environment can mean that the social norms to which you are accustomed are thrown out the window. This could lead you to offend someone without you even realizing it. To avoid this from happening, familiarize yourself with any etiquette guidelines that might be applicable to your engagement. This way, you show the other party that you are making the effort to be respectful, encouraging them to do the same.

4. Know how to properly delegate

In situations where you are delegating tasks to your subordinates, it’s important that you remember to provide enough information so that they can carry out the instructions properly. Let them know what is expected of them, the importance of them doing it, and the potential consequences should they fail to do so. You should also let them know that you are available to assist them if and when they need your help.


These are just a few of the many ways you can train yourself to become a more successful communicator. Keep the information provided above in mind at all times, as effective communication is something you can practice just about anywhere.

If you’d like more structured guidance, feel free to enroll in any of our online courses. We have a library of online courses on body language, conflict resolution, etiquette, delegation, and much more. Get in touch with us today if you’d like to learn more.

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