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How Soft Skills Help Your Company Thrive – What to Know

It is commonly assumed that an organization’s success depends on the people’s hard skills—that is, how much technical knowledge the employees possess. This is partly true. A gym, for example, will not get as many enrollments if the coaches and trainers were not well-versed in the intricacies of sports science. They cannot just be dabblers or enthusiasts—they should have studied anatomy, how to plan an exercise routine, and other things that contribute to a person’s fitness.

However, soft skills should not be overlooked. These are interpersonal or relational skills that help people make positive interactions and form smooth relationships at work. A coach with good technical knowledge, for example, would not be very helpful to gym-goers if he cannot talk to them in a way that motivates and inspires them to perform more efficiently.

While anyone can master the hard skills related to a particular role or position, not everyone is skilled in interpersonal relations. Furthermore, hard skills are easier to quantify and evaluate. Soft skills, meanwhile, can be seen subjectively; what is ‘confident’ for one person may be ‘aggressive’ to another. This is one of the reasons why studying how soft skills are acquired is important. When organizations are proactive about reflecting on best practices, they can better define what they need to help the company succeed.

Examples of soft skills

The soft skills needed to be successful in the workplace look much like the ones needed in the academic setting. Creative thinking and innovation, organization, problem-solving, and time management are all valuable to employees and students alike. Some 21st-century skills include being able to distinguish reliable news sources and knowing how to present information digitally.

Relational skills like discerning mood from a person’s tone of voice, knowing how to tactfully respond to a statement, motivating oneself and others, conflict management and negotiation are also necessary when working with other people.

The importance of soft skills

The further up the corporate ladder a person climbs, the more refined their soft skills need to be; since they will be dealing with both subordinates and superiors, managers should be adept at the skills enumerated above if they are to complete any project successfully.

However, you do not need to be a manager to develop soft skills. For example, a sales company would naturally attract people who are good at talking up an item or motivating others to get a service. This is a soft skill, and it is vital to the company’s growth. However, these same employees are responsible for retaining customers through follow-up or upselling strategies. If they are only good at persuading in one way, this creates a soft skills gap and maybe a potential threat to the company’s growth.

Better teamwork and leadership

A company that makes it a priority to develop employees’ soft skills will empower them to seek solutions from each other, instead of deferring to their managers’ decisions at all times. Improved communication skills help people collaborate, identify each others’ strengths and weaknesses, and give relevant support.

This is especially beneficial to managers, who would not have to spend so much time troubleshooting. A team that can communicate amongst themselves can solve their own problems. They can just give their manager status updates on the issue, and the manager can trust that they can work the problem out on their own. This leaves him or her time to pursue other company-related matters.


Soft skills training is an essential part of any business. Though companies rely heavily on employees’ technical skills, they thrive through human relationships. Employee productivity and wellness may be supported through developing collaboration, communication, and other skills.

If you are looking for more ways you can build a positive work environment, check our resources and online courses at Skill Builder Pro today. We help you empower your organization with over 300 soft skills vital to success in the workplace today. Start learning with us today!



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