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Mobile Learning vs. E-Learning – Which Is Best for You

Oftentimes regarded as the forms of modern learning, both mobile learning and e-learning solutions offer a glimpse into the future of education as a whole with proven results.

As each modern learning method continues to be refined and improved, those seeking a more effective form of education are exposed to a wide range of benefits that come with each option. At the end of the day, however, those interested in taking on an alternative and digitally-driven form of learning are expected to end up facing one dilemma:

Which is better for me: mobile learning or e-learning?

What’s the difference?

Although they may seem interchangeable or identical, the truth is that both mobile learning and e-learning solutions have distinct advantages and disadvantages that make them apt for various settings. Generally, the main difference between both learning solutions lies in the instructional design of each method’s content and their respective intended uses.

If you’ve been meaning to improve your own knowledge or help your employees and team member develop their skills further, here’s everything you need to know about both options:

Mobile learning

Commonly referred to as M-learning, it is simply defined as an alternative learning solution that is geared towards providing an accessible method that’s fit for access through a smartphone or tablet. It is worth noting, however, that it doesn’t have to be designed exclusively for smartphone or tablet use. In fact, m-learning programs can also be accessed from desktops and laptops!

The main purpose that m-learning seeks to fulfill is to function as a learning resource that remains installed on a device and can be opened at one’s convenience. Typically, it comes in the form of an app and bills based on a one-time charge or a monthly subscription that can be easily customized. Additionally, mobile learning is different from its online-based counterpart because it is best catered to those who prefer low-to-no-commitment learning experiences that are made even more user-friendly thanks to the way they’re designed!

Some of the most well-known cases of mobile learning can be found in various learning applications, such as DuoLingo, Memrise, and Rosetta Stone.


On the other hand, e-learning is best defined as a continuous source of information that is geared towards intensive learning sessions over a longer period and greater exposure. This particular form of digital learning is geared towards providing specific certifications that can be completed through continuous engagement, back-to-back modules, and assessments in various forms.

Best characterized by its use of an accessible and stationary form of teaching that’s solely accessible by desktop or laptop, e-learning is best used in settings for professional skill development. For instance, anyone looking to build their soft skills that boost productivity can use an e-learning platform, such as Skill Builder Pro, that offers a wide range of courses that cater to specific concepts and soft skills across various industries!


Depending on what best suits your needs, mobile learning and e-learning can easily be used to improve your own skills and induce personal growth and development in the most effective and lasting way possible!

Looking to help build your own soft skills or those of your team members for performance improvements? Get instant access to our wide range of online courses by signing up today.

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