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3 Tips for Improving Your Career Skills During Self-Isolation

If you’ve never worked from home before or stayed home for so long, the experience can be quite lonely, especially now with COVID-19 around. Fortunately for you, now’s your chance to build your career skills.

How do you go about building your skills? Well, there are plenty of ways you can do that. For example, you can take a course online, or take the free time to do more research on the industry you’re interested in. Whatever you decide to do, though, you’d always want to make sure that you use your time productively.

Here’s what you can do to improve your career skills during self-isolation:

1. Learn to Manage Time

When you work at home, you might feel like you can start doing your work whenever you feel like it. While there isn’t anyone who is going to keep an eye on when you start your work, you’ll find out that time management is even more critical than it was in the workplace. You’ll find yourself having to balance completing the tasks at hand while still carrying out chores, such as cooking and cleaning.

While all of these might be a little challenging to start, keep at it. You’ll soon adapt and find out what works and what won’t. In the end, when you finally can go back to your workplace, you might bring along some new-found skills that will seriously help you manage your time even better.

2. Research About Your Industry

If you’ve got too much free time in your hand, why not spend it researching the industry that might interest you. While you won’t get that hands-on experience, you can educate yourself about all the nuances and things that’ll help you look like you’ve done your homework.

That said, to prepare yourself for the industry you’re going to work in or simply teach yourself more things about it, you can go ahead and read articles, news, and other content that’s related to it.

3. Study a New Skill

Since you’re at home and not at your workplace, the chances are that you have much more time to yourself. Even if you’re still working from home, you’ll find that there’s plenty of time you can spend on other things.

Spend this time learning something new. Head online and learn a new skill. Always wanted to learn how to draw? Take a drawing course! Want to know how to present better in front of a crowd? Go on YouTube and check out how-to videos!

There is so much you can do during your free time now, and with access to the internet, there isn’t an excuse for you not to educate yourself with more knowledge and skills.


Even if you’re busy self-isolating and do not have a job or work to do, there’s still plenty of ways you can enhance your career skills. From learning how to manage your time to studying a new skill, all of these productive activities can further your talents and skillsets, making you more prepared for your job once the pandemic has died down or for your upcoming interview once businesses are back open.

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